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Nov 2005 / No News
I'm sitting in the dressing room in Pamplona and Lauri was heckling me
for never updating my homepage. So there!
Aug 2004 / news
There have been so many things happening since 2002 (when I last
bothered to update this) that I don't even know where to start.... so I
Jul 2002 / some news is good news
Again apologies for laziness. I'm sure most of you have given up on any
updates on these accursed pages by now. Anyway, the keys for the
Strato "Elements" project are completed which was a pretty mammoth-sized
job! But now they're done. So again I can kick back for a little while!
As usual, in things related to Strato the official site is updated about
100 times more often and and maintained about 100 times better than
this. It's at http://www.stratovarius.com. The past months I did have time to
upload two slightly crude photo galleries from the time in Helsinki this
year. They are here and here! Have fun in the next 6 months until the
next update!
Jan 2002 / a little news!
Apologise for lack of updates here. Been busy relaxing. Nice to be on
break! I've not done much lately, just watching movies, reading books,
etc. I did some work for Arjen's new record though. That was
Schedule and plans as follows. a) Complete Barilari keyboards and send
off to Argentina (which I had promised to have ready by many months
ago!) b) Do some solos on Benny Jansson's new record. c) Try to compose
some songs for the new Strato. This will be difficult, because the songs
Timo has made already are very good!! It's a very high standard to
compete against. d) Finish keys and melodies for new Johansson
record. Also fit Bill and Mastermind in here somehow. e) Go to Finland
April 22, rehearse, start tracking in Finnvox May 16, finish keyboards.
f) rest of year, odds and ends like video. Also I will guest on a
Hammerfall bonus track we will do Yngwie's
"Rising Force". Should be fun! We have to play it faster than the
original! g) Strato promo junket beginning of November in an
extremely cool place. Record release 1st week of January 2003. Tour to
follow. Countries under consideration: ru? fi se no? de cg fr es pt? it
gr? uk ar br cl mx us? ca? jp.
Jan 2001 / not much news
Ahh, great to have some time off! Nothing much happening I'm happy to
report! Well, I did buy server space for jens.org but there's not much up there yet. I
only moved some of the larger files there so far...
By the way,
Hammerfall are out touring (Europe) and if you see
them go say hi to Anders. OK all for now!
Tue Mar 07 18:48:58 2000 / News
Time flies between the updates to this page!! I have been a bit busy
since I last typed here. I did make a point of spending a few weeks
around New Year's not really doing anything. It was quite nice.
But alas, a pretty long tour awaits now. Yep, it's those cursed Finns again.
As usual, all the sordid details are at http://www.stratovarius.com. Nope, it
doesn't go to the US, the UK, Vanuatu, Cameroon, Pakistan, Kazakhstan,
Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tonga, or
even the Dem. People's Rep. of Korea... but one can dream!
Oh, and we did manage to make a record as well, to go with the tour. On
that new German label of ours. They seem
brilliant so far!
On other musical fronts nothing new really. Me and Anders recorded some
drums at the beginning of December for a yet-unspecified yet-unnamed
yet-unmetamorhposed project. But I've been a little bit reluctant to
clutter the previous month with work, like i did last Christmas. Three
weeks of relaxing time at home turned into four CDs... and then the
gigs began anew...
So see you on tour perhaps, at least if you're a Melodic Metal type
Sat Aug 21 13:45:55 1999 / Some News
Time flies, I've been busy composing.. and there's some news. The next
strato record, our first on Nuclear Blast, will
be released Feb 28, 2000. Rehearsals start Sep 6, and tracking will
start Oct 1. There is a press gathering, and promo show in Paris Oct 16.
A video shoot is planned for Nov 26-29. December and January will see
mix, mastering and promo.
Things are MOVING, and once we have some song titles we will post them
to http://www.stratovarius.com, so watch out!! The World tour will start
in mid March. Tentative country order: fi, se, no, dk, de, be, nl, fr,
pt, es, at, ch, it, cz, hu. gr? tr? br, ar, cl? jp? us? Massive amounts
of summer festivals will probably be played in the summer of 2000. (Some
places I think we should go to: uk, bf, cc, cm, cs, et, fk, gl, il,
in, IS!!, kp(!), kr, np, sj, to, vu.)
I have also made a few smaller fixes to this site..
Thu Jul 08 23:28:55 1999 / Vacation!
Now the tour is really over. I'm basically just kicking back for
a few weeks, writing, vegging out, what not..
Wed Apr 14 07:43:09 1999 / Minor fixes
OK so I'm back from the Tour from Hell with strato. I've fixed some
minor technical things here, but not much new content yet. Stay tuned..
Tue Feb 09 05:21:00 1999 / News from Japan..
I was just voted "Keyboards Champion" in Burrn! Magazine! Pretty
exciting! Oh, and "The Last Viking" just got 87 points in a review in
the same magazine.
Thu Dec 31 14:14:00 1998 / More script and content updates
Have been tweaking a few things over the holidays. Going back on the
road with Strato on Jan 15 1998! But expect some more updates when
time permits in the next month or so. On musical fronts,
"The Last Viking"
was completed in the beginning of december, slated for release
in japan Feb 2, 1998. There are some sample mp3's from it (they may
disappear in a few tho!) (BTW I moved these to our corporate server in
Sweden on Tue Jan 12 19:23:15 EST 1999 links below reflect this.)
Working on a bunch of other stuff, but more on that in the next
Dec 14 1998 / Access problems
There was some problems, say between 98-12-03 and 98-12-14 to access any
pages here they all gave "403/forbidden" status. Still trying to
figure out what happened exactly. Hopefully it should work now. (Just got
back from 2 months on the road..)
Fri Oct 02 23:19:00 1998 / Massive update and revision
Well, this update has been long overdue.. the last time I edited
any of these pages was more than a year and a half ago. Some
high-tech cutting edge medium, this web thing! For me, most of the web
programming lately has been in the effort to maintain the Heptagon site, and of course its two
weird photo galleries.
I plan to update the pages a lot in the coming months, I
worked a bit this week on some scripts to add automatic indexing,
integrated footnotes * and dynamic content to the pages (for instance,
select the "photo galleries" link above and it'll give you one of the
galleries for ya at random!). If anything crashes down in a cloud of
dust, let me know, OK?
Now that the scripting hurdle has been cleared, the update/restructuring
process can begin.. "one of these days." I'll leave the old home page up
for a while, including any and all files it refers to. They will quite
likely disappear at some point in the future tho. Probably in another
two years..
Page updated Nov 19, 2005 at 18:42 • Email: jens@panix.com
All content copyright © Jens Johansson 2025.
No unathorized duplication, copying, mirroring,
archival, or redistribution/retransmission allowed!
Any offensively categorical statements passed off as facts herein should only be construed
as my very opinionated opinions.