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Stuff I want to share
Photo galleries
The old panix-hosted photo gallery
The newer panix-hosted photo gallery
Heptagon's gallery 1
Heptagon's auxillary gallery (mostly strato pix from the Summer of 1998)
Software, scripts
- pvoc: A Win32 port of Dolson's Phase
Vocoder. This is a small (75 kB) console-mode program that will stretch
or shrink a Windows .WAV file arbitrarily, without changing the pitch. If you
need more information about this program, look here.
- finx, an online
Finnish-to-English translator. Or should I say convenient front end to a table lookup thingie.
- A plugin for Eudora to enable
filtering email in an open window with a perl script.
- A script to enable you to see what gets
transmitted to the server.
- A text to morse code converter (generates a
MIDI file.. with CGI perl source)
- An interactive rhyming dictionary
(perl source + data file)
- A polymetric exploration tool This is a
tool to explore polyrhythms of all sorts (also generates a
MIDI file.. and also with some pretty messy CGI perl source)
- A microemacs executable archive/graveyard.
- Jtrig VST plug to convert
audio to midi (useful for drum triggering, for instance)
- Antiflutter VST plug to reduce
capstan-induced pitch flutter in a stereo signal
- Some perl code
to emit MIDI events under win32 in realtime from within perl
Other stuff
Needless to say, work is still in progress on this one as well...
Page updated Oct 22, 2008 at 23:39 • Email: jens@panix.com
All content copyright © Jens Johansson 2024.
No unathorized duplication, copying, mirroring,
buggery, archival, or redistribution/retransmission allowed!
Any offensively categorical statements passed off as facts herein should only be construed
as my very opinionated opinions.