When the Galactic Council asked Earth for a representative, they sent General Daid and the 75th Assault fleet.  Armed with annhiliators and a thousand fighters, the dozen battlecruisers headed to the galactic core, and did not return for a year.

Greeted by an armada of newsships and holodrones, the Earth reporters asked the general.  "Were they impressed by our show of might?"

"Were they impressed?  I have seen the Worldsmiths, and their crystal spheres around entire suns.  I've seen the Star Construction Yards in Orion's Belt.  And I've seen the Ontologarchs feed the Black Hole at the galaxy's center.  Their mocking laughter is still filling the halls of the council.

"But then I heard a voice in my mind, from the Black Hole... 'Your people have a destiny to fulfull. I sense this not from your starships, but from your own courage and sense of purpose.  Even you have something to contribute.'

"Yes," the General said, "I don't know why... but we impressed something."

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