"It is not enough to create the code, young one.  You must BECOME the code.   This is what the current generation of programmers has forgotten.  What they produce is as artless as their souls."

The young one smiled nervously, "But Master, what about Lord Gates?"

"Bah! He grows fat off the bloated carcass of a diseased moose.  He has forsaken the way of the Codewarrior.  We code because we must, because it calls us.   Money is a distraction.  If you feel otherwise, then leave now, for there is nothing more I can teach you."

The old one polished his spectacles, and when he put them back on, the student was gone.  "I thought as much."  He shook his head sadly, and began weaving the song anew.

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© J. Glenn Peterson.  Do not distribute.
Comments? jpeterso@panix.com

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