April 08, 2004

Not overly hard...but I took my own sweet time...

I decided to put up a blog. It's kinda trite now...and a lot of my friends are doing it already....but I've been meaning to do it for a while, and I'm not quite sure why I was ducking it.

In any case, it took me all of about 90 minutes to install this thing, after figuring out locations and permissions and this stuff and that stuff...I have to admit it wasn't that hard, really. I'd recommend MoveableType to anyone who wants to put up a blog...from an installation standpoint, anyway.

It's now about 12:30am, and I should already be in bed asleep...I've been getting into work late...mainly because I keep getting up late...mainly because I go to bed late. And I've been going to bed late mainly because I've been spending time with these guys in the 'Nam. Oh, and the fact that once I stop playing, I spend a boatload of time lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Fascinating, right?

I think I'm stressed.

Tell you all about it some time. But for now? Sleep.

Good night. Posted by Glenn at April 8, 2004 12:26 AM

rock out! Blogs are fnu for me to read!

Posted by: adam hh at April 8, 2004 10:57 AM

Ahh another site to kill work time on. Hooray!

Posted by: andy 'not just any old weasel ' smith at April 9, 2004 01:23 PM