April 22, 2004

And then his head exploded.

Yesterday, I had the worst headache ever.

It's not as if I'm a stranger to headaches...I'm actually pretty used to them. I have bad sinuses, I spend far too long looking at monitors, I sleep on too many pillows, and frankly, I eat so much chinese food, it's like I'm taking a 2000mg hit of MSG daily.

Yesterday, I had all of those headaches at the same time. One of those headaches when you can't even lie down on a pillow, because every time something touches your head, explosive pain shoots through your skull.

Sometimes, when I wake up with a headache, which doesn't happen as much as it used to, I'll grab two Tylenol Sinus, drink some water, and go back to bed for a half hour, and when I wake up again, I can function OK...makes me a bit late for work, but at least I'm there. Yesterday, that didn't work at all. At all. If anything, it hurt worse when I got up...that's when I called in sick.

Truthfully, I really really had a bad headache, and I couldn't see...like there were stars in my eyes it hurt so bad. I walked into the door frame while walking out of my bedroom. So I called in sick, got a cold compress, slugged down two more Tylenol Sinus, laid down and put the compress on my face.

After various showers, dosings, liquidations, and other headache remedy-like actions, my head stopped shrieking long enough for me to pass out at around 12:30pm. Whereupon I slept until about 7:30pm.

I have no idea what caused the headache...but it's like a bizarre Agatha Christie novel. There are so many suspects, it's hard to determine who actually did it...although it's always possible that it was all of them. Stress, poor diet, living downtown in NYC, noise, CRT emissions, poor posture, bad shoes, climate change, dust and pollen...no idea. All I know is that if I never get a headache like that again, it'll be too soon.

Oh, and I now have a ship in Puzzle Pirates. I bought it with Jeho...and it's a really cool deep cherry color with green trim.

I know...you can't stand how cool it is, right?

Posted by Glenn at April 22, 2004 11:38 AM

Sounds like a wicked migraine to me. I can say wicked, cause its the second most often used word up here in Boston... the first? REDSOX. Crazy people. Anyway. The only remedy that has EVER worked for the 4-5 migraines I've had in my life short of a horse tranquilizer called IMITREX? Half a beer. Then Bed. The 'half' is the important part... any more than exactly half? - makes it much worse. But just a bt opens up those constricted blood vessels, which help the eyes feel better, and the neck less tight. Lets you body concentrate on other fixing items... like ridding your body of MSG.

Posted by: jennifer at April 22, 2004 04:53 PM

You really need to see an osteopath and get your blood pressure checked. It would be a shame to lose this blog.

Posted by: Marianne at April 25, 2004 07:27 PM