June 05, 2004


OK. I'm going to try to update this thing more often...it's just really hard when I'm out in the field from 7am to 7pm every day...when I get home, I just want to eat something, maybe play a game a bit, then pass out.

I'm getting used to getting yelled at. I can state with certainty that I don't like it...I fail to see how getting yelled at for something that isn't my fault is at all practical, but whatever.

Anyway, I got Full Spectrum Warrior in the mail this week...and it rocks. Plain and simple. Good graphics, fun gameplay, awesome writing/sound design, and fantastic with a partner on Live! If you have an XBox, you should definitely get this game, especially if you have XBox Live!

I haven't mentioned it...but my goal is to get out of debt as soon as possible. I owe a chunk of money to the government for taxes, and I owe some money on my credit cards. All together, maybe...$35k? $40k? Might be a little less. The goal is to get rid of debt so I can move out of New York.

Now, you're saying "Glenn...you're being a knucklehead. The second you move out of New York, your expenses will be less than HALF what you're paying now." This might be true...and if I could make the same salary somewhere else as I'm making in NY, and still have half the expenses, I suspect I would do that. Do me a favor and don't mention this to my employer. I do like my job, pretty much, and I am learning a ton, no question...and I may be here a while, and if I'm in New York for a while, I'd like to be where I'm working for a while.

Why do I want to move out of New York? Couple of reasons, really. One, I got used to moving around, and frankly, I'm getting a little antsy at being in the same place for this long. Two, a lot of my friends are upping and moving. Not all of them...and of course, I'll miss the ones that are in NY when I move. Lastly, and most importantly, I want to be with Chelsea.

Now, look...if you know me, you know what happened with Chelsea. I'm not going to rehash it, or explain it. I do love her. As far as I'm concerned, that pretty much settles the issue. I think I'm in a better place mentally, and I believe she is, too.

A long time ago, and not so long ago, I used to say that I'd never get married, because it just wasn't me. That I wouldn't ever own a house. That I wouldn't "settle down." Couldn't commit. Well, all of that's sounding pretty good, actually. I'd like to live in a house that's MINE. Built the way I want, decorated the way I want. I want a barbecue. And a backyard with a hammock. And all that stuff. I just do. And I want to do that with her.

But it's hard to do that with the person I love in Seattle. She's not moving to New York, she doesn't like it here, and frankly, that doesn't bother me at all. I'm pretty sure I don't need to be here any more. I did, after 9/11. I had a real need to be here. And well, now it's pretty much gone. I love living down here, I really do...and there's so much that I love about New York that I could never feel anywhere else. But it's OK. What I really want is to wake up to her in our bed in our house. I miss that a lot. More than I ever thought I would. And I like Seattle...and I'm sure I could find another place I like, too.

If you're one of the folks who was around during the last go-round...well, I know what you're thinking. I love you guys, and you know me well enough to know that I have to live my life. There isn't someone else. It's her. I know it is. And you love me, and you'll respect my decision. How's the jedi mind trick working?

And now, I am going to try to stretch my calf muscles, because honestly, they are tighter than ... I won't go there. I walk up and down fifty flights of stairs a day when I'm on site...easily. And all I can say is "Ow."

Posted by Glenn at June 5, 2004 09:39 AM

you have solid reasons that sound clear and pure for going to Seattle. Your reasons for not going now are not voiced. Why? Are your financial reasons backed up by job market research, debt restructuring, budget changes, etc? I am sure you could work something out with your current employer to consult or something to allow you to keep some income from them, or restructure salary/days in NYC to allow you to spend more time w/Chelsea until you are fully financially viable in Seattle.
Are there other reasons you are not going now?

If not New York, then how about somewhere where you and Chelsea could both find jobs.

Why doesn't she come visit? You need to spend more time together in person.

But who am I to say. Really.

Peace Out

Posted by: colin at June 8, 2004 10:47 PM