July 11, 2004

Arthur, King of the Britons...

Mood: Amused.
Music: Soundtrack to King Arthur, Hans Zimmer.

OK, so I just got back from seeing King Arthur.

Basically, it was pretty poor. But I'll say this for it: I'm glad someone took it upon themselves to at least TRY to update the story a bit. It was an interesting take on all those silly legends. And it was arguably better than Excalibur. Oh, and it had Keira Knightley wearing very little except blue war paint. We should not ignore that important fact.

In any case, Arthur is the son of a Roman soldier and a native Briton, his knights are Salmatian soldiers taken from their villages as teens, serving a 15 year tour of duty as payment of service to the Roman Empire, and Merlin is a Woad. And so on. Slightly better than the drivel that Malory wrote.

While the story is contrived, the blue screen effects are horrific, and the acting is less than stellar, at least it was an attempt. The action is decent, the costuming/set design interesting-ish, and it makes an attempt to put Arthur into historical perspective, rather than fantasyland.

All in all, you could probably wait to rent it.

Oh, and I didn't work today, because, frankly, I didn't feel like it. I called my electrical sub foreman now and again to check on things, and was generally available by phone. Good enough.

Tomorrow: Laundry.

Posted by Glenn at July 11, 2004 02:13 AM

So glad to hear you took a day off. Sounds like the people managing the overtime need to be, ahem, reorganised. Can't you be in charge? Ooh, ooh, overtime? Can I have some? Stay well.

Posted by: Marianne at July 12, 2004 03:25 AM