July 16, 2004


Mood: Chillin'.
Music: I Quit, Manson.

So, Friday dawns. Hooray.

This weekend is a cleaning weekend. I've decided to attack my closets with vigor and remorselessness. I want to get rid of a ton of junk I've been shlepping around from continent to continent...and have no real use for.

I have a mess of computer gear...cases, keyboards, mice, speakers, hard drives, various ROMs, RAM...and I'm gonna chuck most of it. If you want it, speak up, or it's all going. And no, I'm not selling it on EBay. Ain't worth the effort.

You know what I DO have that might be worth something to someone is a set of Calzone cases. Modem bought them for shipping hardware down to Atlanta for the Olympic Games. One is for a Mac Tower and Keyboard, also holds mice and cables, and one is for a 17" monitor. The monitor case has wheels. They're custom made and are Modem Media (Sorry...Digitas...) Blue. I ended up with them when someone said "Hey...we don't need these any more...might as well throw them out." They're way cool.

Anyway, I'm IMing jhhg now, and mentioned the cleaning. She says she always loves the feeling of cleaning...that it's cathartic. I, on the other hand, always feel vaguely nauseous when I throw out "perfectly good stuff." Like 20GB hard drives. Why would you throw them out? They're perfectly good drives! Someone might need them!

Though, thinking about it, she has a point. I really should just clean it all out. She says it'll make me feel better. I get chills just thinking about trashing all that stuff.

Hell, I'll just do it. What's the worst that can happen? I need to get more stuff?

Posted by Glenn at July 16, 2004 02:53 PM