February 28, 2005

Hell, Demons, and Insane Angels

Mood: Apprehensive.
Music: Bomb Massive, DJ Goo
Game: World of Warcraft (60 Rogue, 13 Priest)
Book: On The Road, Jack Kerouac.
Muffin: Strawberry-Raspberry (Warm!)
Punchline: Nothing's funny today.

I saw Constantine last night.

I recommend it. But probably not for the reasons you might think. Forget the action and effects. Kind of hard to do, but forget that. Forget Keanu Reeves' delivery and presence...which is much easier to forget. Rachel Weisz, normally sexy and bright is kind of drab and sleepwalks through this, so it's not that. Forget the stereotypical views of Hell, which are pretty, and well done...because you've seen 'em before. The whole post-apocalyptic world view, completely on fire, and so on. Thematically and storywise, fun, a bit predictable...especially if you're even remotely a fan of Neil Gaiman. No...there's a different reason why I really liked this.

The minor characters in this movie are brilliant. Amazing casting, beautifully acted and directed. Gorgeous costuming. I'm not a huge fan of spoilers, so I'll say this: When Gabriel was on the screen, my eyes were riveted to the angel. Positively an amazing interpretation of an angel. And Lucifer was done brilliantly...if a bit on the overdone side. Midnight as the neutral, also really, really well done. Constantine's "assistants" (The drunken priest, the recluse librarian kook, and the sidekick kid who wants to get his hands dirty.) These were all characters that had depth and beauty immediately...the exposition was deftly handled, and their dialogue nicely crafted. It all sort of made me wonder why the two main characters were not as well-balanced, nor deep enough. Acting? Perhaps. Don't know...but I was willing to overlook the main characters and story to enjoy the world in which it was set. The neo-gothic look and feel didn't hurt, either.

While this may not sound like a rave review, it really sort of was...in its own way. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the world revolve around Reeves and Weisz.

Anyway, I'd see it if you have some spare time...

Posted by Glenn at February 28, 2005 09:31 AM