April 27, 2005

Just haven't been very motivated.

Mood: Lethargic.
Music: Perfect Day, Lou Reed.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Jade Empires
Book: Fever Pitch, Nick Hornby
Muffin: Blackberry-Peach.
Punchline: "It's in binary."

I just haven't felt very motivated to write. Sometimes I felt like I was, then I'd start, and realize that I didn't have much to say. It happens sometimes.

I took Monday off as a mental health day. I just couldn't motivate myself to go to work. It helped a lot.

I played some Jade Empires this weekend. It's typical Bioware junk, which I could have guessed. Minmaxing abilities, choosing "styles" that in reality only have to do with how fast you press buttons, rather than any major game effect, heavyhanded quest hints, and so on. Don't get me wrong, it's still very pretty, and thematically darker than I would have thought. It's entertaining in medium bursts, and was relaxing to sit on the couch and game for a change.

It's raining today, which only deepened my mood...I haven't been sleeping well, and I couldn't tell you why. I woke up with my head at the foot end of my bed, and my blankets and pillows strewn about me, tangling me up. Seeing as I went to bed alone, and woke up alone, I can only guess that I didn't sleep well.

I got my new flat panel monitor last night...it's fabulous. It was on sale for less than half price, and I jumped on it. World of Warcraft at 1600x1200 is nothing short of breathtaking...and the monitor is sharp enough to cut myself on. Amazing piece of technology.

Guild Wars finally shipped, and I have a copy...except that the servers aren't available until today/tomorrow...so I'm installed and ready to go...and can't play. Fabulous. Still looking forward to it.

Hitchhikers Guide is out on Friday...I am...apprehensive. Originally, I thought I was excited to see it...but the reviews have been nothing less than underwhelming. Tragedy to maul such fabulous work...but I suppose we'll just see.

CoD Match with the fellas tonight. First match after a long time out period. I think we're pretty excited about it overall...we know we're good...but it's always nice to see it in action.

I really was going to blog today about my theory of class balance in RPGs in general. I had it worked out in my head...and instead I ended up with generic housekeeping details. I suppose that's how my life goes sometimes...every intention of doing something, but then something happens, and I'm off on a tangent again.

Posted by Glenn at April 27, 2005 09:53 AM