April 29, 2005

And the flowers are still standing...

Music: Still Loving You, Scorpions
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars
Book: America, Daily Show with John Stewart
Muffin: Raspberry-Peach
Punchline: Yarr!

Been pretty productive at work today so far. Working on processes and some status spreadsheets. I like working with spreadsheets, really.

I know that sounds odd...but I actually really like manipulating data and presenting it in clear formats. Excel is a pretty cool program...has more functionality than you probably really need for just about anything. But it is flexible, if nothing else.

Going to go see Hitchhikers' tonight...it's getting better reviews than I originally read, including reviewers with whom I generally agree.

Guild Wars was a lot of fun last night. I think, in general, any RPG worth anything is fun for the first 10 levels or so. If it's not fun then, it ain't getting better. The excitement of seeing new abilities or spells or whatever for the first time is always good. Learning how to combine your abilities into tactics becomes fun. Learning the inter-relationship between the classes to create generic strategies is largely the most fun of any game. And of course, the new loot. Goes without saying.

Is World of Warcraft in trouble? Mmm...no, probably not. Right now, World of Warcraft is fun...but requires more thinking/overhead than Guild Wars seems to. And of course, there's the politics and such in being a senior guild member in an ongoing gaming environment that adds stress that isn't strictly necessary. I'm certainly not going to quit playing WoW any time soon...as far as I can tell. There's still a lot I want to do in game...but right now, a little mindless gaming like Call of Duty and Guild Wars is gonna go a long way, I can tell.

Now, off to order some food for the weekend. I'm down to emergency rations in the mess...time to get some resupply from Fresh Direct.

Posted by Glenn at April 29, 2005 11:56 AM