May 10, 2005

Star _______

Mood: I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.
Music: Malaguena Salerosa, Chingon
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars
Book: Whatever I have in my hands at the time. Cereal boxes, whatever.
Muffin: Blackberry-Raspberry
Punchline: "You don't have anything to do, right?"

I've been to every opening day/night of every Star Wars movie.

My father took me to Star Wars...just because he was a science-fiction fan. Turned out to be one of those life changing events...just like he took me to my first Rangers game.

When Empire opened, my mother pulled me out of school and took my brother and I.

When Jedi opened, I was in high mother said "I assume you're cutting out to see Star Wars. I'll go with you."

When Episode I came out, I was living in London...and I flew back to see it with friends and my mom.

I had just moved back to the US from Hong Kong when I went to see Episode II.

Wednesday night, midnight, next week, Star Wars III, the final episode will be released.

And I won't be going.

Goes without saying that I'll see it...but I think I'm done with midnight movies for a while. It's tiring, it's Wednesday night, and work's been very draining lately. People are skeptical as to whether it makes sense to go to a movie they strongly suspect will be pretty bad...especially at midnight.

I don't think I'm gonna fall victim to the hype this time. I'll probably see it that weekend along with the rest of the world...or maybe I'll catch it later that week. Whatever it is, I'll take my mom, maybe a friend or two, and call it the end of an era.

I'm vaguely ticked at the pre-movie hype, not surprised by the release of toys, games, and music BEFORE the movie is released...I mean, we pretty much know what happens, right? There's no surprises coming here. I won't spoil it for you in case you've been in a small locked closet for the last 30 years.

Whatever. Years ago, I would have been really excited about it all...but now...I don't know. I guess I want to see it...but it's not the event it used to be.

Maybe I'll cut out of work on Thursday and catch a matinee....

Posted by Glenn at May 10, 2005 11:21 AM

I feel the same way. I'm not all that much of a Star Wars fanboy, but I have always enjoyed the movies. Even Episodes I and II were pretty enjoyable despite certain annoying parts. I think I saw both of those on the opening day...not at midnight though. I will say I hope Obi Wan kicks some ass in this movie because I don't like how "weak" he was portraited in the first two. In any event, I hope III is best of the new series and I hope you enjoy seeing it.

Posted by: Ryan at May 10, 2005 02:20 PM

I'm actually more excited by this one than the previous two. Hopefully it will be abit less disposable teen and a bit darker. Maybe it's just the trailer that looks dope, and I'll be let down again but I have a *good* feeling about this one, Han. Time will tell if I'm right.

Posted by: CatSpit at May 11, 2005 10:51 AM

I must admit I love Star Wars, and naturally been dissappointed with the I&II movies.

But, I love Kevin Smith's writing and movies, and based on his view of star wars, his write up is inspiring:

I'm preparing for the worst, Lucas driving the final nail in his franchise, but the is hope.

Posted by: symbha at May 13, 2005 08:38 PM
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