June 08, 2005

The battles begin...

Mood: Headachy.
Music: Invincible, Pat Benatar.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars.
Book: Mirrorshades, Various.
Muffin: Raspberry-Sweet Plum.
Punchline: "Ting-ta-ting-ting..."

Quick Synopsis:

It's still too hot in my apartment. I have a sinus headache. We won our match on Monday, remaining undefeated. Battlegrounds were released in World of Warcraft yesterday...and they're far more fun than I thought they were gonna be. I'm having dinner with my brother tomorrow night instead of going to a company-planned event at the Mets game tomorrow night. We got a new server at work...which I haven't had time to configure yet. Now that summer's here, it seems like everyone's blogging has cut down to at least half their original frequency.

I could expound on all of these things. Instead, I will merely say that all of these things are on my mind...which hurts.

I will write more about at least a few of these things tomorrow.


Posted by Glenn at June 8, 2005 04:50 PM