July 06, 2005

There I was...in...THE CONGO...

Mood: Here.
Music: Hollaback Girl, Gwen Stefani
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Forza, Planetside, Battlefield 2.
Book: Fearful Warriors, Ralph K. White
Muffin: Raspberry-Sweet Plum.
Punchline: "How long would it take..."

It's been a while since I last blogged...I found out shortly after my last entry that my boss had decided to give everyone that Friday off, and make the holiday a 4-day weekend. I can't say that I'm overly unhappy about that. In fact, it was exactly what I needed in order to recharge the batteries. I feel pretty good really. A 4-day game extravaganza coupled with some good sleeping, good food, and the occasional reading was perfect.

I find myself in that state where I have far too many games, and not enough time with which to play them. This is not unusual, really. What I believe this indicates is that I'm actually playing games longer than I had been...not due to any factor save for the fact that I think the games I'm now playing are better than the games I had been playing to this point.

While World of Warcraft isn't the rush and excitement it was previously, I'm enjoying my alt, and I'm enjoying playing the rogue now in short controlled bursts such as instances or materials gathering for the alt. It's not the all-consuming passion that it was, but it's still a fun gaming session.

Call of Duty is just that. It's been a long time since this came out, and frankly, it's still the best online FPS out there. The physics make sense, the game types are still fun, if classic, and the sides are balanced. The speed is just right...and it looks pretty good. I play this with more regularity than most other games. Of course, CoD 2 is coming in a few months....

Forza is my new XBox fun time. When I need to move from my desk to the couch, this is what I'm doing it for. Forza is pretty much like Gran Turismo 3 for the PS...except that they made it online, and the physics are much much better. It's fun. I wish I were better at racing games...but I'm having fun anyway. I think I enjoy modding and painting the cars more than racing them, but to each his own....

Guild Wars has been gathering dust...but I still want to play it. If I had time....

I've been playing Planetside again with some of the fellas. It's really a lot of fun again...we ended up playing for about 10 hours on Sunday. Yeah, I know...it's 10 freakin' hours. But we were into it, the kills were flowing, the points were coming, and the bases were falling. All in all, a good time.

And on that note, I've been playing the demo of Battlefield 2. I really enjoy the pace. It's not run and gun, but mobility is of the utmost importance, and teamwork and a good commander make a huge difference. Because of that, I'm probably going to pick up the game...because I have plenty of time for that.

I finally broke down and bought a 300Gb HD for my machine, to replace the 200Gb that up and died (and subsequently fell off something and landed on my toe, leaving a really amazing black and blue toenail and some excruciating pain for awhile.) I've decided, once again, to rebuild my OS, just to get some more space on my boot drive. The only problem was that I discovered that my XP install disk wasn't even SP1...which means that it couldn't recognize the 300Gb HD. So I'll have to dig up a copy of an XP SP2 install disk...which I can, but I was hoping to get the thing installed last night. No biggie. I'll handle it tonight.

This morning thus far: Fixed a USB Key drive mapping problem, unjammed the freakin' printer for the 30th time in 2 days, and called the service guys to get this thing fixed already, did server maintenance, recovered my Visio installer disk, installed a printer to make up for the missing/damaged printer, updated a project plan...

And it's 10am. Busy busy day today....

More tomorrow. I'll try to write with more frequency.

Posted by Glenn at July 6, 2005 10:02 AM

Hey Wah,

Do you think the nail is gonna fall off? I hate that (especially while roving around central africa!).

phasers on stun good luck kirk out!

Posted by: heywah at July 6, 2005 11:10 AM

Hey Wah!

The point of a Blog is the "log" part, I have been told...the rest is just fancy "code". So chop chop, there, sherbert-boy; e-mote, man, e-mote! Mr. Smart-guy-bloggy-pants...and don't be winjin' about..."i don't have time" or "i have a job" or any of those other punkass excuses. You said to me, "Come check out my blog, you might like it." Get this thing humming, gotsta get the "blahg" out...

fuckin' bloggers...first ones up against the fucking wall....


Posted by: Heywah! at July 7, 2005 02:36 PM