July 15, 2005


Mood: Clockwatching.
Music: Quiche Lorraine, B-52s.
Game: World of Warcraft, Planetside, Call of Duty, Battlefield 2 Demo.
Book: None.
Muffin: Blackberry-Mango.
Punchline: "BOOM! HEADSHOT!"

OK, so it's about 4:30pm on Friday afternoon. All of my bosses have split for the weekend. I've pretty much done what I had to do today. I COULD get ambitious and do more stuff...but I'm just not feeling it.

I clearly will be leaving at around 5pm.

This weekend? Shopping and preparing for sorbet manufacture. That is, it's almost time to get that sorbet maker up and running, and have the party.

Taking recommendations for flavors....

Our match on Wednesday ended up as a forfeit for the opposing team. We're ready to rock, warmed up, 10pm comes and goes. No word. At 10:15pm or so, the first of their guys shows up, and says "We had a late start on an earlier match, they'll be done in 5-10 minutes, and then we can play. Is that cool?" We say no, it's not cool. We're ready to go at 10pm, you get your 15 minute grace period, then you forfeit. I, for a start, need to get up at 6am to get to work. By the time they're all in and ready, it's already 10:30, 10:45. Add the 45 minutes of play time, and I'm up far later than I want to be. The other guys feel similarly. The opposing player starts ranting about how he's not going to forfeit, how we're chicken, and how it's only 5 minutes late. It's freakin' 10:25 already, and he's talking about 5 minutes late.

Now, this might sound like being a dick. In my eyes, we coordinate and choose a time that's good for everyone. You show up at that time. You play. I'm sorry he decided to be a nice guy to the team he was playing in the other match. This doesn't mean he gets to be a dick to me. Either be on time, or learn to schedule better. Whatever...I'm sure they're pissed. Should be amusing the next time we meet.

I will also being going out this weekend and picking up Claritin. Truthfully, I think I've developed allergies. I think, but I'm not sure, that I'm allergic to feathers. I never was before...but every time I lay my head down on my pillow or my comforter: Bang, instant stuffy nose. It's weird. So maybe Claritin will help.

I get my bloodwork tests back on Tuesday. I'm sure there's nothing wrong...but who knows? Better to know for sure, right?

Now, it's about 4:35....Tick....

Posted by Glenn at July 15, 2005 04:18 PM