November 21, 2005

Here come the drums!

Mood: Industrious
Music: Wouldn't It Be Good, Danny Hutton Hitters
Game: World of Warcraft, CoD2, EVE Online, Dungeons & Dragons Online beta (now over.)
Book: The Hacker Crackdown, Bruce Sterling, Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein
Muffin: Cranberry-Sweet Plum.

Need to make this short.

- One week till move day.
- Mostly packed.
- My X360 shipped today. Have it tomorrow afternoon.
- D&DO isn't going to be a huge winner. The hooks aren't deep, and it's impossible to play solo. More on this when I have time.
- Flying out Tuesday evening.
- Goodbye dinner on Friday at Hop Kee. (Beats turkey leftovers.)

Busy busy.

Posted by Glenn at November 21, 2005 09:55 AM