January 10, 2006

Still at it.

Mood: A bit tired, but pretty good.
Music: Soundtrack to Firefly.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, DOA4, Amped 3
Book: The Complete Robot, Isaac Asimov.
Weather: Cool, grey.

Well, I've applied to at least 20-25 places so far. I've thrown resumes at Microsoft and Starbucks...but I've mainly put my hopes at small gaming studios. I really would like to get into gaming. It's a bit late in the career to get started, but I have experience, and it's really something I WANT to do...which would be a novel concept.

Haven't gotten any callbacks yet. Understandable. Been at it for a week or so, and it IS just after Christmas...people getting back from vacation and all that.

Anyway, my prime gripe today is World of Warcraft. Now, I don't mind a little wait time every now and again to play a game...2-3 minutes doesn't bug me. On Sunday, the queue was, no shit, 600 people, and over 45 mins of wait time. Now, I don't know about you, but if I have to wait 45 minutes to play a game, I'll find something else to play or do. Additionally, if you DID actually get in there, the server performance was so awful, you were taking your character's life into your hands if you did anything remotely risky.

Frankly, I liked the idea of queues if it increased performance for players. I also expected it to be a sometime thing...you know, at holidays or whatever. No. Lately it's been every Sunday and Monday night, and then some.

The decreased performance is horrific, and the number of people on our server just seems to be getting bigger. I'm SURE a chunk of it is knock-on effect. You have a big server, and all of a sudden, a mess of gold farmers and item farmers log on to grind the hell out of everything to sell to the large populace. The economy sucks, and you can't play or get any items yourself, because these freaking farmers are sitting there ninjalooting everything that moves before you get a chance to do it yourself.

Admittedly, the price I pay for unlimited service isn't all that high...but the QUALITY of service I've been getting lately is beyond awful. I get in to play sometimes, and just log back out...because the server is choking already, and I don't want to play on a stupid server.

I started an alt on a new server...but naturally, since it's a new server, there are a million level 2 players running around spamming tells and yells, challenging anything that moves to a duel, and generally being morons. Yeah, I could probably outlevel them...to a degree...but in the meantime, I end up dealing with idiots for a week. Not all that enjoyable...and the lag doesn't really go away when you have that many people in a zone.

I hope they do something soon...although I can't imagine what that would be.

Posted by Glenn at January 10, 2006 12:30 PM
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