January 31, 2006

Who do you want to be today?

Mood: Sleepy...just woke up
Music: Who Do You Want To Be Today?, Oingo Boingo
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2
Book: Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov
Weather: Drizzly...but it's early yet

I've decided that I'm not really sure what I want to do for a living.

This probably won't come as a surprise to people. I've never really KNOWN what I wanted to do for a living. I mean, there was a time I wanted to be a soldier (you know...when I was about 5...) and there was the time I figured aerospace engineering was for me (just before college), then I wanted to be in politics (when I actually got to college) and then since politics fundamentally sucked, I decided that media was my move, and I got a degree in Film and actually got a job making television commercials...which fundamentally sucked anyway.

The older I got, the more I realized that I wasn't ever really going to have this burning fire behind my eyes about a job. What really made me happy was doing ANY job well. Yes, there were tasks I didn't really like, and there were jobs that I wouldn't do, or do again. But if I had some of the basic skills to do a job, I realized that what I really liked was being good at something.

Here's my problem. I'm not really really sure what I'm good at any more. I mean, I think I'm pretty good at a lot of things. This isn't really idle boasting. And I'm not talking about playing the harp, or sewing, or standing on my head. (And I'm definitely not talking about eating well and exercising.) But when it comes to most business-related topics, like dealing with spreadsheets, creating presentations, writing statements of work, creating plans for execution, motivating a team, and so on...I think I'm pretty good at it.

Now, is the trick to apply those skills to an area I like? Or is it something else? I kinda like the whole digital space...iTV, interactive, videogames...and I have some real experience in those areas. Do I stay there? How do I find a job there? I'd imagine there are technical recruiters...maybe I contact them?

My only curiosity revolves around the whole "you didn't think of it, but you'd be really really good, and HAPPY, doing that." And I don't know what THAT is. So I put it to all of you...what do you think I would be happy doing? What am I not thinking of?

Isn't there a test where you enter in what you're good at and what you like doing, and it tells you what job you should have? I'm pretty sure I took one of those in High School...(although I'm positive it said I would be an excellent mortician.)

Help Glenn get a job. It's now officially one month looking for a job with no nibbles. I'm clearly doing something wrong. Help a brother out.

Posted by Glenn at January 31, 2006 08:27 AM

Sounds like a Program Manager profile to me. A little bit of tech skills, great communication skills, customer experience, lots of leadership and teamwork, strategic direction..

Posted by: CatSpit at January 31, 2006 10:24 AM
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