February 14, 2006

Happy Made-Up-Holiday-By-Corporate-America Day.

Mood: Good.
Music: Get A Job/Stand Down Margaret, The Beat.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2
Book: Still nothing at the moment. Thinking about reading a cookbook.
Weather: Sunny and cold. I can see the mountains from my window today.

Happy Valentine's Day. Make sure you spend lots of money on cards and chocolate and gifts and such, lest your significant other get really cross at you. Way to manage expectations, Hallmark.

Anyway, here's the deal. I've decided to cash in my 401k. That money will give me enough money to look for a job for well over a year. In the intervening time, instead of sitting around and playing games and such, like the last time I was unemployed, I've decided to write a book, program a demo for the MMO commerce system I've been thinking about for a while, and knock the rust off my php, perl, xml, and c coding.

I might even, possibly, finally finish my PMP certification. Maybe work on Six Sigma stuff. But that's only a maybe.

Doing this will provide structure for me on a daily basis. I will still apply for jobs on a every day...but that really only lasts an hour a day or so. The other time will be spent writing and programming. Which I think would be a good thing.

Yesterday, while I was feeding the corporate gods shopping for presents for my fiancee, it just kinda came to me. I realized that I would never ever get a job I really wanted unless I was able to wait until I found the right job. I am definitely getting a job in gaming. Online games, offline, casual, console, whatever. But I am going to get one. My dream job is to work on an MMO doing tradeskills or commerce systems. But I'll take anything in games.

In the meantime, I will have "jobs" to do. I will spend a few hours writing every day. First, a little bit writing in my blog to say hi to all of you, and tell you how things are going. Then a bit more getting that book in my head down on paper (or bits and bytes...you know what I mean.)

In the afternoon, I will start working on code again. I'm pretty excited about this part. I've forgotten how much I used to love hacking. Smitty, Avo, and I are working on a supersecret web project...but it was fun to get my hands dirty with code again...and actually have things work. Code is neat.

And, if along the way, a job in gaming comes along...well, maybe I'll just have to take it.

In the meantime, the money situation is sorted pretty good, I am VERY happy in Seattle (finally getting more settled, and it's raining less...) and I have a plan.

Which is nice.

Posted by Glenn at February 14, 2006 10:59 AM

skip the six sigma for your own good, it will trash your otherwise well intentioned year...

Posted by: Tator at February 14, 2006 07:35 PM

Cash in your 401K? I'm sorry, but I read that and just had to break my self-imposed ban from posting. Not to get all SmartMoney on you, but that is such a BAD, risky idea, for SO many reasons! Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures, but does your situation really fall into this? You KNOW I'm all about following one's muse, but tread thoughtfully.

Posted by: Regina at February 14, 2006 09:48 PM

How about learning how to drive too!
I also think cashing in 401k = bad.
You need some savings. You'll be forever paying off something. New plan needed.

Posted by: colin at February 15, 2006 05:04 PM

Yeah, the "learning to drive" concept occurred to me, too. Look at it this way: it would expand your territory for prospective jobs! (I can't imagine not being able to drive. But, then again, I live in SoCal.)

Posted by: Regina at February 17, 2006 03:37 PM
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