March 03, 2006

I want to be a dentist....

Mood: Good.
Music: All I Want, The Cure.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto, Dungeons and Dragons Online (Khyber Server)
Book: Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Naramore, Gerner, et al., Quicksilver, Neal Stephenson
Weather: 55F, clear.
Jobs applied to today: 0.

Yesterday, Chelsea had two of her wisdom teeth taken out. Aside from being deathly afraid of dentists, everything went well for her. The oral surgeon was apparently one of the best oral sugeons in Seattle...he was done in under 30 minutes, she felt nothing more than minor discomfort, and she's up and around today, smiling and happy, with a bare minimum of swelling, and no pain. That's what I call service.

In related topics, I went to the dentist today for the first time in over 15 years. Yeah, yeah...I know. It's not like I'm afraid of dentists or anything...I just never got around to it. And seeing as I'm not really doing anything right now with my days, really, I figured getting my teeth checked and cleaned would be a good idea.

Anyway, the dentist's office is literally a block away, so I went there.

The office was amazing, the people there completely nice and relaxed, and just caring and concerned with my well-being. I got a taste of that when we went there with Chelsea a few weeks ago because she was in pain, and they considerately fit her in, got her diagnosed, and got us an appointment with an oral surgeon in a matter of an hour.

All I can say is that things have definitely changed in dentistry since the last time I was there. For example, all the xrays are now digital. There's no film at all. The machines look the same, but the records all go into a computer file with my dental history. A picture of me, all my teeth, a panoramic Xray, and four section xray closeups...amazing. The terminal is right there on the hygenist's counter. Very cool.

I got my teeth cleaned and checked...and apparently, even after 15 cavities. Nothing wrong at all. I have to be the luckiest human on the planet. I do have some tartar that needs to be I made an appointment for that...but all in all, the dentist was surprised when I told him that I hadn't been to the dentist in over 15 years.

I have lucky teeth. The visit still ran me $300...not having dental insurance kinda sucks...but it was totally worth it to have my teeth cleaned, and have the knowledge that I've got nothing wrong with my teeth at all. Time to get dental insurance.

Now, my teeth and gums have that sore tingly feeling that you get after you get your teeth cleaned. I kinda like it, and it's kinda annoying, but whatever. It's over. Another appointment next week to get my teeth cleaned below the gumline...which should be painful, but whatever. They're the only teeth I have.


Now, jumping topics, I've been told that lately, I've been a pain in the ass to my friends. I complain too much, I criticize, etc, ad nauseum. This is probably true. I'm an abrasive fuck even when I'm in a good mood. I can't imagine what kind of an asshole I am when I'm in a stressful situation. Instead of hanging out with friends, I ought to go out, take a walk, do something solo, or whatever.

Not having a job, and not really being a club/bar person, I don't really have any friends in Seattle. Most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are really online. Which doesn't make them less people...they just aren't close enough to buy a beer least not in person.

Anyway, having had it pointed out by one of my friends makes it a little easier to see...and I'm going to make an effort to tone it down. I don't hate the games I'm playing, I don't hate the people I play with, and I'm getting wound a little too tightly while I play...which I suppose is the normal course of events when you don't have much control in your'd like some control in other places.

But headbutting your friends because you need some control in your life probably isn't a good idea.

So I'll relax some more...Chelsea's surgery done with no problems, my finances stabilizing, my teeth nice and healthy, seeing some movies I've been meaning to see, getting into Seattle proper to explore, the sun being out more, the weather getting nicer, my birthday in a month (38...)...all good things.

I apologize to those of you who have dealt with my fallout. You know who you are.

Posted by Glenn at March 3, 2006 01:51 PM
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