March 13, 2006


Mood: Tired.
Music: Transcendence, Thievery Corporation.
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto, Dungeons and Dragons Online (Khyber Server), GR:Advanced Warfighter
Book: Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Naramore, Gerner, et al
Weather: 48 degrees, clear.
Jobs applied to today: 7.

I applied to a mess of jobs this morning.

In the last 3 months, I've sent out over 100 resumes. I've gotten 2 callbacks, one which wasn't really interested in me after all, and one job which I didn't want at all.

I know I've repeated this a lot, but I'm confused about the whole applying for jobs thing. I mean, how is anyone supposed to get a job nowadays? I get up in the morning. I hit 5 websites, looking for any jobs that I think might be interesting, or things I might be good at. I apply to whatever I find. I write a cover letter for each one...and tweak my resume, depending on the position. I make sure my name, address, and phone number are on each one.

About 2 weeks after I apply, I send another email, inquiring about the job, and asking if my resume has been received and if I might discuss the job further. I have yet to receive an email or call back from any of those letters.

All told, it takes me about 30-90 minutes a day of keeping up with it. I COULD continue to look online, or check the newspapers yet again...but after about an hour of looking online, I start getting frustrated at the lack of jobs for me. Yes, there's a million jobs. If I were a sales guy, an expert in consulting specializing in the healthcare or financial sectors, or if I were willing to work at McDonald's.

If my tone sounds frustrated, there's a reason for it. I am. I'd like a job, if for no other reason so I could stop looking, and have people stop being stressed about me not having a job. Sometimes, it's more stressful knowing that people around me are stressed than the stress of not having a source of income itself.

Whatever. I will keep looking, I will keep writing letters to friends, asking them to get in touch with people they know for me. And if things get really bad, I will work in a bookstore or videogame store, make whatever I can, and that'll be that.

Posted by Glenn at March 13, 2006 11:01 AM
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