March 30, 2006

Is that good or bad?

Mood: Apprehensive.
Music: I'm The One, Van Halen
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Dungeons and Dragons Online (Khyber Server), Oblivion
Book: Learning PHP 5, Sklar/O'Reilly
Weather: 52, partly cloudy.
Jobs applied to today: 0. I just had my phone interview.

While we spent a good amount of time agreeing and such, I think he's decided I'm not the right guy for the job.

He's impressed with my credentials and my experience...he thinks that I'm exactly what another group needs. He believes that there should be a place for me at the company, because someone with my experience is invaluable....

I hope that's true.

Now, I'm going to go eat some lunch and pout.

Posted by Glenn at March 30, 2006 11:17 AM
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