May 05, 2006


Mood: Stings.
Music: Honeymoon Croon, Bauhaus
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Oblivion, Tomb Raider:Legend, A Tale In The Desert 3 beta 2
Book: Odalisque, Neal Stephenson
Weather: 70 and sunny.
Jobs applied to today: Nothing yet. Got things working...

This is gonna be a short entry, because typing is difficult, and it hurts.

Yes, I managed to slice the very tip of my left index finger off last night while I was cooking dinner.

No, no stitches. I literally sliced the very very tip of my finger off. Not deep or anything...but boy did it bleed.

And naturally, it's in such a great spot. Typing? Ow. FPSs? FORGET IT.

So I'm basically typing hunt and peck with no left index finger. That's efficient.

ATITD beta phase 2 starts today. Lucky it's almost entirely mouse driven.

And I got a really tough aspect of the programming done last night...I got inspired to just attack it, learn how to do it, and get it done. It works great...and I'm really proud of it.

More tomorrow if my finger isn't still bleeding.

Posted by Glenn at May 5, 2006 08:49 AM
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