May 16, 2006

Cue Ride of the Valkyries, please.

Mood: Triumphant.
Music: Just Like Heaven, Cure
Game: Uno, World of Warcraft, COD2, Oblivion, Tomb Raider:Legend, A Tale In The Desert 3 beta 2
Book: Odalisque, Neal Stephenson
Watching: Uno, mostly....
Weather: 79 and Sunny.
Jobs applied to today: Unnecessary, really.

Well, I'm sitting here looking at a contract offer letter for an advertising agency. It does happen to have my signature on the bottom of it.

I will be very nicely compensated, I will be in the office, I will get settled, I will do the job that I initially applied for there, which is more than fine by me. I have been told that when an opening occurs in the XBox group, I will be told, and asked to apply directly. In the meantime, people are leading me to believe that I will be asked to meet the XBox team, and occasionally attend strategy meetings and such to show expertise in the field, and to get my name and face in the team's head for when an opening arises.

I will be calling them this morning...and may find myself at work later today. So I guess you could say that I have a job. Guess that'll cut down on my gaming time. And I don't need to wear a suit.

In gaming news, ATITD is getting even deeper than I thought, which is good. Lots to do.

But the winner of the weekend is Uno. Yes, that's right...Uno. My oldest and most happy XBox Live friends are playing it as well...and this weekend for about 5 hours, we laughed, cursed, threw down cards, and general had the BEST time. Funny that the game itself cost about the same as buying a pack of cards...assuming you don't take the hardware into account.

The game is a laugh-riot. I strongly recommend it if you have friends willing to play. It's pulled all of us out of the games we've been playing ot get together, talk, laugh, and play.

I also played the demo for Top Spin 2...I'm not much on tennis, but this seemed pretty fun, and looks like it might have more depth than I see. Although, as a rule, I'm not much on sports games...this one might have potential. I'll think about it.

And, the final comedy of the day...last night, Chelsea and I were talking, and all of a sudden, we hear harp music. I turn around, and Kuma is sitting there, trying to bite Chelsea's lap harp right on the strings. In so doing, he's randomly plucking various strings...his teeth acting as tiny picks. He can't get his snout between strings, of course, so he's attacking it at odd angles and moving about trying to get a better angle. We freeze and watch him for a good minute, minute and a half...he keeps "performing." Finally, I run to go get my phone to take some video or pictures or something, but he stops the second I leave the room. It was about that point that we died laughing and applauded the small brown cat, and called him Maestro. Bravo!

Better get going...I may have to GO TO WORK TODAY.

Posted by Glenn at May 16, 2006 07:38 AM

Congratulations Glenn. Being gainfully employed definitely adds structure to the day. Being employed in an industry that excites you with the upside potential of becoming more strategic over time sounds absolutely perfect for you.

Now pick up 4 you motherfucker.

Posted by: CatSpit at May 16, 2006 10:20 AM

"...I was looking for a job and then I found a job..."

Seriously, I know you must be relieved. Congrats!

BTW, perhaps Kuma has a future with Veitch's kitties:

Posted by: -r at May 16, 2006 10:49 AM

You're the man now, dawg.

Posted by: Adam HH at May 31, 2006 08:56 AM
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