April 24, 2008


Mood: Irked.
Music: The Living Daylights, a-Ha.
Game: Rock Band (360), Call of Duty 4 (PC), Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (360), Hellgate London (PC), MMO Beta (PC), Warhammer 40K (Tabletop. Tabletop?!), Age of Conan Beta (Soon...PC)
Book: Executive Orders, Tom Clancy.
Watching: Nothing.
Weather: Warm, Sunny.

Quick news: Got into the Age of Conan Beta...and I am, of course, psyched. Starts in a few weeks...that oughta be awesome.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled blogpost.

I have well and truly fucking had it with the media.

It appears that Barack Obama's comment about life difficulties making people bitter and them turning to religion as a result is a big deal. In fact, I heard it referred to as "Bitter-Gate."


Does that even fucking make sense?

Every time something happens in politics that can remotely be construed as having a slightly adverse affect on a politician, it immediately becomes "WhateverTheFuckHappened"-Gate.

The Watergate scandal was over THIRTY fucking years ago, resulted in the threat of impeachment proceedings against a sitting US president, and ultimately, his resignation.

The suffix -gate does NOT have any meaning whatsoever. It's a bullshit reference to what happened to Tricky Dick Nixon...as if Barack Obama's gaffe (if it even WAS a freaking gaffe) certainly is in NO way even close to as serious as what Nixon did. Still...it's Bitter-Gate. Like we're gonna arrest the man for wrongdoing.

Iran-ContraGate. MonicaGate. Moron-Gate. It's fucking STUPID.

These people write for a living, and they use the name of a building that was the scene of a criminal act as some sort of reference to the fact that something bad for a politician has happened, regardless of magnitude, what was actually done...or the fact that Watergate is a FUCKING PLACE. NOT AN ACT. Why don't we call it BitterNam? Or BitterIraq?

Jesus, people. I don't know what pisses me off more...the fact that they -Gate trivial nonsense, or the fact that Watergate is a place, which makes it even MORE stupid.

And the media just propagates the use of a fake suffix, like it's English.

Damn all of them to Hell.

Posted by Glenn at April 24, 2008 08:21 PM

Use of the suffix "-gate" is scandalous; this is almost Gategate.


Posted by: Firethorn at April 25, 2008 05:45 AM

bwahahahaha!! Firethorn. Funny. :)

Posted by: -r at April 25, 2008 06:11 PM
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