March 17

Well, I did a lot today, and most of it was migrating my data and configuring the laptop.  That did not go well.  One significant issue with my mini is that it simply goes dark now and then.  It’s weird.  If it’s still on in the morning when I get up, it’s pretty much guaranteed to go down while I’m in the middle of something sensitive, so I’ve learned to restart it quickly.  When I do that, it’s generally good to go for another day.  It often goes down overnight, in which case I just restart it in the morning.  But if I don’t catch it in time and it dies on my while I’m using it, I can’ simply restart it.  I have to give it five to ten minutes to recover or it will simply die again.

It was down this morning when I got up.  Rather than bringing it up normally, I wasted twenty minutes and more physical strength than I could afford digging around in my (connected) firewire cables for the 800-400 before I gave up and stole the one from my sweetie’s Time Machine connection.  Then I brought the mini up in target mode and ran migration assistant.  With (according to the screen) “less than a minute to go” the mini went down.  I decided (eventually) to take a chance and just bring up the laptop, where I discovered, to my pleasure, that the migration appeared to have worked sufficiently to be of use.

Of course, I had to move stuff around and change some permissions, and then I needed to get the windows group set up.  I have now done that, read mail on two accounts, and am ready to collapse.

Happy Thanksgiving!