September 7 – October 13

September 7   I see Dr. B reporting my vague symptoms. It looks to him like residual effects of a virus, tells me to take a probiotic, to avoid caffeine, citrus, and dairy, and report back in a week.  I’ve already exchanged my morning oatmeal for toast with marmalade.  I exchange the marmalade for apricot jam and skip the coffee and my usual orange juice.

September 14  I call Dr. B.  The discomfort isn’t gone, but it’s noticeably less and less persistent.  He offers to send me to a G-I specialist, but we agree to keep on with this regimen as long as it seems to be helping.

September 21-30  I am much better most days.  I’m not really happy, but I have my annual physical scheduled in a couple of weeks and I am noticeably peppier than I was just a couple of weeks ago.  I’m eating less than I used to because trying to eat a normal sized meal makes me very uncomfortable.  (I mentioned this to Dr. B when I spoke to him.  It’s the aspect that bothers me the most.)  Of course this is having a beneficial effect on my figure, but it’s not the way I’d have chosen to lose weight.

October 8-10  The partial fast on Yom Kippur (I have medications to take) is far too easy, but it seems to help.  I have no gut rumblings at all.  I feel better than I’ve felt in weeks.

October 11  At some time during the morning, I’m aware of an annoying tenderness under my right ribs, like a stitch in my side but it’s not going away.  Physical in two days.

October 13 Annual physical.  I’m in great shape.  Blood pressure, heart, kidney and liver function, everything is terrific.  I’m up to date on colonoscopy, mammagram, bone density, etc.  Dr. B is happy.  But, you know, there’s been that long discomfort and now the tenderness; let’s do an ultrasound.  I  am able to schedule the ultrasound for October 17.

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