February 19

I did a lot today.  I did my usual online chores in the morning.  For the second Sunday in a row, I didn’t have my newspaper delivery, so when I called the Times, after reporting the missed paper, I spoke to a customer rep to complain that this was two Sundays in a row, and that last week I never did get my paper– and that my neighbors’ papers had been delivered, and that I was highly dissatisfied with the service.  (The replacement showed up at 11:15.)

After I’d finished my chores, I spent some time on our taxes.  I did a brief run-through before the end of the year, to make sure I’d covered things, but some of the numbers were approximations.  I realized I was missing one 1099 (which my sweetie subsequently turned up in his file).  At that point, I was pretty tired, so I decided to quit for the morning.

Then I made the mistake of checking my work email, to discover that our customers have been subjected to a phishing attack.  By the time I looked at my mail at all I was ready to fall over.  I answered a couple of people.  The attack involved a web link rather than an email reply, and I had neither the knowledge nor the strength to investigate (or reason out) what to do about it. I dropped a note to staff and went to bed.

My sweetie had a meeting of his paleontology group this afternoon.  While he was gone I did the rest of our taxes.  I think I’ve finished, but I don’t trust the software to be complete until the end of March, and I always like to check everything more than once before I file.

I made myself a light lunch, and, after doing the hand laundry, I read my newspaper (huzzah!), read my spy spoof, watched TV, and napped.  I’m ready for a light supper, but I’m too tired to fight phish today.  Bleah.

Nonetheless, here I am.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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