February 25

Mom had already gone to the pool by the time I got there, and she’d about finished her swim and was heading for the spa.  I swam just one lap (two lengths) yesterday.  I could certainly have done another, maybe two, but I’m not pushing.  I enjoyed the spa.  And I felt triumphant about the ease with which I was able to do my lap of crawl.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet for me.  I chatted with the family, read a lot and slept quite a bit.  My Michigan cousin (unfortunately not here) has recommended a seafood place that I’d never had a chance to try, and I was eager to do it, and that’s where were ended up getting our dinner (takeout).  It was really excellent, and I was glad to have tried it.

In my email yesterday was a note from a college friend that I haven’t seen since (hmm), let’s say 1972.  I’d written to her a while back, and she meant to be in touch, but her life went a bit crazy at just that point so I was only hearing from her now.  With luck, I’ll be able to see her, at least briefly, next month.  That would be a major treat.

So that’s yesterday.  Today we have cousins coming, and the whole gang will go to dinner at the club.  It will be a long and stimulating day, and I plan to nap on and off while I can.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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