February 27

Yesterday my energy level was up a bit.  After the walk, which was easier than it had been, I had breakfast and then took my swim.  I really wasn’t ready to get out of the pool after a single lap of crawl, so I paddled around for a few minutes and then did a lap of sidestroke before getting into the spa.

After that, I showered and rested for a while.  When my brother and sister and cousins came over, I joined everyone and we sat and talked.  It’s delightful being together, even though I don’t have enough energy to stay with folks all through the day.

I took my sister’s photo disk from her and went through it, using my original disk (which had semi-meaningful photo labels instead of the strictly numerical labels on hers) to figure out which photos we were leaving in, and I got them into iPhoto and gave them to her.  She had, by then, figured out how to get iPhoto to make a slide show, so she made the slide show with my file, and it worked.  The photos are great, and we’ll see what Mom and Dad do with them.

In the early evening, my brother started to play his guitar.  He plays by ear, and he plays (or chooses to play, when he’s here with us) quiet music.  After a while, he switched to the piano, and started playing Beatle’s era music– the kind of thing I can probably play along with if I have the energy to play my flute.  I hope we have a chance to play together.

My sister and cousin-in-law took on the task of creating dinner, which was a sumptuous feast.  (It was much too sumptuous for me, of course, but it really was good.)  There were hors d’oeuvres (hummus, asiago, crackers, crudites, sour cream dip, guacamole) before the meal:  chicken parmesan, green beans, salad, potatoes, and garlic bread.  (Have I left anything out?)  I had a small piece of chicken, nibbled and the sauce and cheesy crust, and left it at that.

Then we sat around and talked.  There was a Bette Davis movie on TV.  I must have dozed, because it was well after nine when my sweetie dragged me off to bed.

We didn’t wake up until after 5, and my whole body is achy.  I think the swelling in my feet is marginally down.  I feel more stable walking, but my muscles really didn’t want to take me for that walk, so I turned around before we’d gone very far and took a rest.

My cousins are leaving this morning.  I’ve really enjoyed the chance to spend time with them.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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