What is an actuary?

An actuary is a businessman who applies the mathematical laws of Probability and Statistics to the financial implications of contingent events. There are applications in Insurance and Pensions as well as many other areas of finance.

To be qualified as an actuary, one must pass professional exams in Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Law and other specialized fields. I hold two profesional designations: A.S.A. stands for Assocaiate of the Society of Actuaries and M.A.A.A. means Member, American Academy of Actuaries. Had I not quit taking exams some time ago, I might have qualified for F.S.A. - Fellow of the Society of Actuaries - which might be considered the pinnacle of the field.

I recently did an analysis of the distribution of birthdays in a calendar year. Its not uniform.

The home page of the Society of Actuaries may be found at this link.

A picture of me at work and during my big annual project.

Go to my home page.