Cycling Newsgroups

      There are many NewsGroups in USENET. Newsgroups do change. Please E-mail corrections and updates. Note that different ISPs provide differing amounts of newsgroups.

      A good free way to both read and write to newsgroups is via Google.
where XYZT is a newsgroup name. Example: To reach Washington DC area bicycle newsgroup dc.biking, the browser string would be
      Once on Google, it is obvious where one selects to either reply to an existing message, or to post a new one. An account is needed, and one provides an E-mail address and a password. The usual cautions apply, so use something other than your main E-mail account, but it should be one you check fairly often.

      There are many bicycle newsgroups, but they are usually local in scope. One such example is umich.biking, covering biking at the University of Michigan.
      The links below are broad in scope and use Google.

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