Program to Add a Total Miles Column to a Cue Sheet

REM File = ADDTOT.BAS REM This BASIC Program reads an MS-DOS ASCII file and creates a REM new one with a total miles column. Select "Program Explanation REM Page" at the bottom of this Page for details. REM There is a brief description between statements #1 and #2 below. REM BASIC is good for simple tasks being done by non s/w people. REM The volunteers who make cue sheets needn't also be s/w wizards. DEFINT I-N COLOR 10 PRINT OPTION BASE 1 1 PRINT " This program creates a file with a Total Miles Column " PRINT "from a file with a Segment Miles Column only." PRINT " The similar BASIC Program ADDSEG.BAS provides a Segment" PRINT "Miles Column from an input file with a Total Miles Column." PRINT PRINT " The user supplies input & output file names." PRINT PRINT " The total miles format is XXX.X, and XX.X for segment." PRINT "The decimal points are in cols 4 and 10, respectively." PRINT "The Action Column is from cols 13-19." 2 PRINT "The Description Column starts in col 21." PRINT FILES PRINT PRINT "Enter the name of the existing file that needs a "; PRINT "Total Miles Column. " INPUT " ", SRCEFILE$ OPEN SRCEFILE$ FOR INPUT AS #1 PRINT PRINT "Enter the name you want for the resulting output file. " INPUT " ", OUTFILE$ OPEN "O", #2, OUTFILE$ PRINT IF B$= "y" OR B$= "Y" THEN COLOR 3 TOTMLS=0 10 IF EOF(1) GOTO 50 LINE INPUT #1, INFILE$ IF INFILE$ >< ".." THEN GOTO 20 REM When the IF above is FALSE, the next few lines do the REM WordStar Ruler line. TD$=INFILE$ LINE INPUT #1, INFILE$ RULER$ = INFILE$ OD$=CHR$(13) PRINT TD$ PRINT RULER$ PRINT #2, TD$ + OD$ + RULER$ GOTO 10 20 IF (LEN(INFILE$)<23) GOTO 30 REM The IF above senses short lines, speeding execution. IF (ASC(MID$(INFILE$,12,1))=48) THEN MID$(INFILE$,12,1)=" " REM The above IF removes the 2nd digit after the decimal point. IF (ASC(MID$(INFILE$,10,1))=46) GOTO 40 REM The above IF senses a mileage line 30 PRINT INFILE$ PRINT #2, INFILE$ GOTO 10 REM Change Action area & 1st col. of Descr. area to CAPITAL LETTERS. 40 FOR KAP=13 TO 21 ZA$=MID$(INFILE$,KAP,1) KZA=ASC(ZA$) IF (KZA>96) AND (KZA<123) THEN KZA=KZA-32 MID$(INFILE$,KAP,1)=CHR$(KZA) NEXT KAP REM CAPITAL LETTERS added A/R REM Begin math to create Total Miles Column TENS=VAL(MID$(INFILE$,8,1)) UNITS=VAL(MID$(INFILE$,9,1)) TENTHS=VAL(MID$(INFILE$,11,1)) SEGAMT=10*TENS + UNITS + TENTHS/10 REM Hundreths aren't used anymore. TOTMLS=TOTMLS + SEGAMT REM Total miles value created NEWRIGHTEND$=MID$(INFILE$,8) FMT$ = "###.# " PRINT USING FMT$;TOTMLS; PRINT NEWRIGHTEND$ PRINT #2, USING FMT$;TOTMLS; PRINT #2, NEWRIGHTEND$ GOTO 10 50 PRINT PRINT "A CUE SHEET WITH A TOTAL MILES COLUMN HAS BEEN GENERATED." PRINT "The source filespec was ";SRCEFILE$ PRINT "The output filespec was ";OUTFILE$ CLOSE SYSTEM END

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