I hope everyone had a good holiday season, including my family in Mississippi, Illinois, Idaho and Kentucky.  I also hope someone helped the little starving children in Mexico and across the seas who needed food, clothes and medical supplies.  I hope people's hearts opened and they helped those who needed their help.  God says lend a hand.

Debbie came Wednesday, but earlier Walter, Cindy and Bradley came by, then Donna came.

Remember Velma W. Wallace in your prayers.  She has a really bad spell with her throat.  She is always out helping others who don't have a way to go.

Again I want to say I really had a good Christmas, and thanks to all who made it possible.

I haven't heard from Jim and Carolyn for several weeks.  I hope they are O. K.

I hope the sick are all better.  I also hope the day will come when there's no one killed or hurt in an accident on the news.  There are so many accidents on the highways and in town.

I have been going through my pictures and found a great many of family and friends.  I have been trying to put them together in groups.  So many of the people I know have gone to be with the Lord, and I am slowly remembering others.

Peggy and Angel came for a visit.  It's been a long time since they stayed here and I baby sat.

Well, the holidays are over for another year, and Valentine's Day, Easter and Memorial Day will be here before we know it.  Spring and summer seem a long time off, but times goes (sic) so fast, they aren't.

Remember Bess Scott in  your prayers, and Becky Parker.  Also remember the sick down in the Hillville Community, the churches and the preachers.  They are doing all they can.  We should remember the ones in rest homes and those who are homebound.

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