On Leave

Susie shops, but I doing all the buying

On Leave

On Friday we all checked out of the hotel. Lothlorien and Patrick headed off to Paddington Station; they headed to the West Country. They are taking a week to do a 70-mile walk from Penzance to Portsmouth, or some such. I headed to nearby Islington and dropped off my things at the Mucciolo's house.

I then headed back into town and had a take-away lunch with Danny, Susie, and some of Susie's co-workers. It's amazing how bad management is universal and knows no boundaries. We had lunch in Soho Square, sitting on the lawn. I munched away quietly while listening to tales of corporate woe.

Susie and I headed for book stores while Danny was busy elsewhere on an appointment. We must've gone to every other bookstore on Charing Cross Road. Susie was reluctant to buy anything, and like a good deflectionist, picked up books and said, "Look Seth, this is so pretty, and just 4 pounds." She also said, "This is a great book and I could've gotten it here for half the price." I wound up buying things in four or five stores. I used our time later at the Pillars of Hercules, a pub, to rearrange my purchases. Susie bought NOTHING.

Susie later told us the story of one of her contemporaries who's never left Saskatoon for any great length of time, and was saying how he "never helps his parents with the harvest." That's sort of the country version of not helping clean out the gutters or something. I probably wouldn't last in Saskatoon Harvest Time for very long. They also have dreadful winters that require triple-glazed windows. Personally, the only triple glaze I have ever seen is on pastry. Those below-zero temps are not for me.

I headed to Gay's the Word after parting with D&S. I had been there earlier in the week, and went back to buy two more books that I could've bought at Dillon's or Blackwell's; but I want to support small, gay stores. I had a long chat with Jim McSweeney, whom I'd interviewed for LGNY in April. He recommended some fab books and I bought 'em all.

For God's sake, SOMEONE must stir the local economy.

Posted: Fri - July 9, 1999 at 02:30 AM        
