Home Again, Home Again


Home Again, Home Again

And that's about it. I had a wonderful time. It was great seeing my family and friends. It was nice gorging myself on British chocolate and French peaches. On the tube to Heathrow and on the plane home I finished reading Holding the Man, but the late Australian playwright Timothy Congrave. My jaw clenched up from holding back the tears. It's the best book I have ever read, I think, on the dual coming out, of being gay and being HIV+. I wrote an article about AIDS memoirs, in longhand, on the plane home, while some middle-aged man next to me kept interrupting me with requests on how to operate his Virgin Atlantic inflight entertainment console. He was particularly interested in the sky map. That's the feature that shows you were you are in the world as you fly home. It's also the sort of thing the evening news shows when the plane goes down.

That inspired article number two: How to avoid chatty seatmates.

Once again, travel has proven to be a wonderful gift. If I had not gone to Gay's the Word, I would not have spoken with Jim McSweeney, who would not have recommended the Conigrave book. The book itself is a gift

Posted: Wed - July 14, 1999 at 02:53 AM        
