Bookey Are You Queer?

Reclaiming... somethin'

12 July 1999: Bookey Are You Queer?

The wonderful Lindsay read every article in every LGNY I brought her -- at her request-- and her number one question was about the word Queer. I use it pretty regularly in my writing for LGNY. She thought it would be an offensive term, and I went through the lengthy explanation about "reclaiming" the word. Etc. When you get right down to it, I am not afraid to call myself anything any of my enemies are willing to throw at me. Frankly, they would be more terrified to be labelled queer or fag or a nancy boy. Go ahead, call me a cocksucker. I mean, that's sort of the point, isn't it? I mean, pretty accurate so far, sweetie.

I also explained that personally, with the idiotic alphabet soup of LGBTTSQH making acronyms longer and longer, Queer makes more an more sense. I mean, we are pretty queer, different. Even those assimilationists, going through great pains to convince everyone how much they are like everyone else are going to great lengths to convince everyone, and that's pretty queer, if you ask me.

Posted: Mon - July 12, 1999 at 02:48 AM        
