Getting There is Half the Battle

When things start out wrong, they stay wrong...

Like many folks, I am a creature of habit, and I like convenience. As a Manhattanite, I find flying out of Newark more convenient, for two reasons. It's often easier to get to, and I have a Continental OnePass account. Continental has lots of nonstops to most places I have gone to from Newark, and I really don't like taking off and landing more than once a day, whenever possible.

Usually, it's an easy trip to Newark. Not this time.

Well, the hellish commute started when I left the house 15 minutes later than I wanted to. I had trouble getting a cab, and excessive traffic meant having to get to Penn Station by taking Ninth Avenue. The entrance with the escalator was blocked off by the the Country Music Awards. So, I missed the train to Newark.

It got worse. At the Newark International train station, the monorail was backed up (it usually is very quick and you get the car to yourself) and everyone had to transfer from one train to another after the first stop. Of course, as we approached the station, an empty train just left the station.

In the end, I just made it to the boarding gate with minutes to spare. Luckily, it all worked out. The flight went fine. But just try to get out of DFW!

When I got the ground transportation area of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport (the same airport where Sue Ellen Ewing woke up drunk in the parking lot after JR was shot), there was no free shuttle to the Gaylord Texan, and a man from the Super Shuttle service told me that cabs don't look for fares at the airport. He literally said, "You expect cabs to come to the airport and pick people up and take them to hotels?" I replied, "Um, don't people want to make money in one of the biggest cities in Texas?" He also said it would take a half hour for a taxi to come to take me to the Texan, which is only 10 minutes away, but he said "Cabs don't like to do there." I called the hotel, which said Super Shuttle is the company with whom they have a contract, and suddenly, a Super Shuttle came and I got on. He then drove around the airport. And, a woman on board said she had been on that shuttle for a half hour already.

Eventually, we got there, but the shuttle driver managed to put a tear in the outer pocket of my beloved Samsonite luggage.

Posted: Tue - November 15, 2005 at 11:13 PM        
