3 May 1999: The Coward

In reading some of the accounts of what's happened in England, I discovered that a suspect in the nail-bombing attack on the gay pub the Admiral Duncan was arrested. A 22-year-old man supposedly working alone. He does not appear to be a member of the White Wolves or Combat 18, two hate groups in Britain who claimed credit for this and other recent attacks. Either way, they're all cowards. Whether they work together or alone, they're cowards.

In a recent article by Andrew Sullivan, the end of Britain is declared. Sullivan goes into detail about how Britain has changed and how devolution in Scotland and Wales, and the multiculturalism of London, all conspire to end Britain as it has been. A fundamental shift. It's not a surprise that white English nationalists would make the outrageous demand that all nonwhites, Jews, and gays leave the country. But it's not going to happen. The world is an organism that's constantly changing, and not all those changes are bad. British gays demonstrated and made their intentions very clear. They are not going back into the closet. The Prime Minister and the Queen have issued their statements. The Prince of Wales even visited the site of the bombing.

Up until now, there have been a lot of homophobic laws and measures in Britain. Perhaps these sick incidents will provide a foundation for a lasting common ground British gays need to push through their equality in Parliament. Perhaps people are finally getting the message that an attack on any one of us is an attack on all of us.

Meanwhile, I wrote to my cousins about how I feel about all this, but received no reply. I guess I expect too much from people sometimes, thinking that knowing me will make then a bit more passionate about these sorts of incidents. But, a lot of that sort of work, changing people's hearts, takes time.

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