2 August 1999: Angry Clowns

After having a lovely weekend, it was a shock to see a message from "John Wayne Gacy" in my email this morning. Some maniac who is a devotee of the Rev. Fred Phelps, the most hateful man on planet Earth, "signed" my guestbook and left a URL for "godhatesfags.com." It features a photo of Matthew Shepard surrounding by flames, with an accompanying .wav file of "his screams in Hell."

Of course, I did not actually go to the website, because I don't want to drive up their hit counter, but I have heard about this site already, and of course it's not fun to have someone signing your website with the monniker of a serial killer of children.

But never one to want to be completely disturbed by maniacs out there in the negative world of the Internet, I decided to make lemonade, and I contacted a male couple I know in the Midwest, who recently had a wedding ceremony, and I interviewed them for LGNY. Unfortunately, I have to wait until their officiating minister agrees to the publicity. But I felt a great need to put a positive end to the day.

If nothing else, I have to wonder why these people aren't spending their time doing something useful for people. Hating homosexuality is one thing; crusading tirelessly against it just seems bizarre, when they could be spending all that time and money helping folks who truly need it. Phelps is an embarassment to even the most right-wing Christians.


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