3 August 1999: Kebabs and History

I wound up having an unexpected dinner with one of the former editors of one of the many magazines I have worked on at my current job. We wound up on Ninth Avenue at the Afghan Kebab House. It was brilliant, and cheap. I really like their food, even if I don't like their politics.

J and I discussed a lot of things, including history. It's interesting, for all that is known, how much still remains hidden. I forget the exact topic, but I think he said he was reading a book about a significant Christian or Jewish population in China in the Middle Ages.

The upshot being that we take a lot of things for granted, and that we often believe the thing we hear repeated most often to be "the truth," or a "centuries-old tradition," when it couldn't be further from the truth.

It was a nice night. Not as hot as it had been lately. I walked home most of the way.

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