The dppause man page

     dppause - set alarm function and pause for a signal


     void dppause(t, alrmfunc)
     long t;
     FUNCPTR alrmfunc;

     dppause() makes two settings: it sets the system alarm clock
     to  go  off  (which  will  generate the SIGALRM signal) at t
     microseconds from now, and also sets the alarm  signal  han-
     dling function. Then dppause() causes the current DP process
     to sleep until a system signal arrives.

     alrmfunc is the name of the function which will  be  invoked
     when  the  alarm  event  occurs.   If  it is set to NULLFUNC
     (defined, along with FUNCPTR, in dp.h), no  action  will  be
     taken regarding the invoking signal.  If t is zero and alrm-
     func is NULLFUNC, no alarm clock will be set and, unless the
     application involves other system signals, the sleep will be
     interrupted only by an incoming DP message.

     Any value of t smaller than the  resolution  of  the  system
     clock  (often  around 10 milliseconds) will be rounded up to
     that figure.

     Upon entry to dppause(), interrupts from  incoming  messages
     are  automatically  re-enabled  (if  they had been blocked).
     Upon exit from dppause(), the interrupt state is restored to
     its condition before the call to dppause().

     dppause() is usually used to  wait  for  some  condition  to
     become  satisfied.   For  example, it can be placed inside a
     while loop that exits when the specified number of  messages
     have been received.

               while ( !condition )
                    dppause(0, NULLFUNC);

     This is a DP function call.

     David Arnow

     /usr/include/dp/dp.h - DP header file
     /usr/lib/libdp.a     - DP library file

     dpcall(3DP), dpblock(3DP), dpunblock(3DP)

Essential DP MAN Pages:


Non-Interrupting Messages:

Interrupting Messages:
  • dpblock
  • dpcatchmsg
  • dpgetmsg
  • dppause
  • dpunblock

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