The dpspawn man page

     dpspawn - spawn a DP process


     int dpspawn(prog, newid, hid, semantic, semsize, sendntab)
     char *prog, *semantic;
     DPID *newid;
     int  hid, semsize, sendntab;

     dpspawn() tries to create a process from the executable file
     named  prog,  which  can  have  an absolute or relative path
     name, on the system indexed by hid in the  host  table.   If
     the child is spawned, a semantic string pointed to by seman-
     tic and of size semsize is sent to the  child.   In  return,
     the  child  will  apprise  the current process of its DP id,
     which will be stored in newid. The parameter sendntab  indi-
     cates  whether  the  parent's node table should also be sent
     over to the offspring; normally it is set to 1, but  if  the
     parent  has  a large node table (as is often the case of the
     primary) and the child need not know of all those nodes,  it
     should be 0.

     The semantic string is an efficient way for the  primary  to
     communicate  to  the  newborn  process.  It can be used, for
     instance,  to  pass  to  the  child  command-line  arguments
     received  by  the  parent  or  to  send  over other kinds of
     process/environment  parameters.   Note  that  DP  does  not
     interpret  this  semantic  in  any  way  and  hence it's the
     application's responsibility to maintain byte-ordering  con-
     sistence between the parent and the child.

     Upon success, dpspawn() returns 0.   Otherwise,  a  negative
     number  (DPFAIL)  is  returned  to  indicate  something went

     This is a DP function call.

     David Arnow

     /usr/include/dp/dp.h - DP header file
     /usr/lib/libdp.a     - DP library file

     dpinit(3DP), dpaddhost(3DP), dpgetpid(3DP)

Essential DP MAN Pages:


Non-Interrupting Messages:

Interrupting Messages:
  • dpblock
  • dpcatchmsg
  • dpgetmsg
  • dppause
  • dpunblock

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