Daniel Convissor's Website

CAFE: Response from Senator Bryan

United States Senate
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Washington, DC 20510-6125

April 11, 1991

Mr. Dan Convissor
P.O. Box 1036
Stuyvesant Station
New York, NY 10009-1036

Dear Mr. Convissor:

Thank you for sending me the information on CAFE and other points regarding energy efficiency. This is an extremely complicated issue, and I am always interested in creative thinking about the problem.

I will carefully review the material, and will keep it in mind as I continue to work in this area.

I appreciate your taking the time to write to me.


Richard H Bryan
Consumer Subcommittee


The General Accounting Office released testimony entitled Automobile Weight and Safety on the same day this letter was written.

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Last updated: 4 April 1999