February 23, 2005

The Pain...

Mood: Pain.
Music: Never Can Say Goodbye, Communards
Game: World of Warcraft (60 Rogue...12 Priest?)
Book: The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco.
Muffin: Peach-Raspberry.
Punchline: "These are definitely *not* bugs." (Fulci, on getting rushed by rhino-like creatures when he was told to expect insects.)

My head is pounding. Woke up with one of those "Holy shit I can't see" headaches. I have a pretty good idea what's causing it.

I quit drinking Diet Coke.

I stopped when I realized that I was going through over 36 cans a week. That's not an exaggeration, by the way. I was buying three 12-packs a week, and drinking them all. That doesn't include whatever Diet Coke I was drinking at lunch, or during the day at work.

I understand that you can't just drop caffeine cold turkey. This isn't a newsflash to me. I'm trying to replace it with tea for now...which, for obvious reasons, I can't just chug.

It also isn't helping that the weather around here isn't great, and my sinuses are acting up. I've always had bad sinuses. They aren't getting any better as I get older. I also strongly suspect that spending three years after the destruction of the World Trade Center living not even 4 blocks away from the place didn't help my respiratory system in the slightest. Hell, they were still putting out fires when I moved down there. Could smell the smoke for months.

Anyway, staring at a monitor all day at work (when I probably need glasses), coming home and staring at a monitor some more, cutting off my caffeine and aspertame, and throw in the changing weather? I am a very unhappy camper.

Occasionally I feel like I want to take a small drill or very large hypodermic syringe and suck out whatever's causing that pressure. I know it can't ACTUALLY be done...but it FEELS like it could, you know?

In response, I have taken 2 Tylenol, 2 Tylenol Sinus, and I am drinking tea (Ginger Peach) as fast as I can without burning my tongue (having failed in this already, in any case.)

I'm sure you're all fascinated in regards to this, so I've re-enabled commenting. I've missed your fabulous comments, and should immediately comment on this post, commiserating with my inability to see at this point.

More when the gremlins get out of my head with the jackhammers.

Posted by Glenn at February 23, 2005 10:11 AM

good for you! caffeine-withdrawl is painful but the ease-out method will help you. Not sure if there is enough caffeine in ginger-peach [one of my favorites/republic of tea] to make a difference.

As far as aspartame.....that probably ignites your sinus issue more than anything. That shit is poison. I'm not trying to be preachy...I *enjoy* a diet coke now and again [which is ironic] but realize it should be a never-endeavor. Take a look on the internet for the negative effects of aspartame--it's linked to everything from fatigue to allergies to vision loss [i'm not kidding] headaches and cancer. Most people are allergic to it and cannot metabolize it. That might be the inspiration you need to stick with the plan. Just saying that gave me the inspiration to go from some to none. That, and the fact that coke will rip the paint off of a car.....

Posted by: maria at February 23, 2005 01:27 PM

Ah, caffeine. A subject near and dear to me. Espresso est, ergo cogito.

Of course, the least painful route is to cut back gradually. But, as you plan to dive right in – or out, in this case...

Typically, the worst symptoms occur within 12-24 hours of stopping, peaking 1-2 days later. It can take up to 2 weeks to finally get through the withdrawal symptoms. Although, with the copious amounts your body grew accustomed to processing...

Having switched to tea, consider brewing it for shorter times, as it, too, has caffeine. Tea brewed for one minute has .5 to .75 the caffeine of tea steeped for five minutes. Also, a stronger caffeine extraction comes from tea that 1) has smaller leaves, 2) is subjected to long fermentation processes, and 3) is from either the first or second flush of production (i.e. spring or summer harvest). And, of course, decaf tea is not caffeine free.

Soda has an average caffeine content of 45 mg. Here’s the breakdown on tea, brewed with 8 oz of water:
Black: 40 mg
Oolong: 30 mg
Green: 20-40 mg
White: 15 mg
Decaf: 2-4 mg
Herbal infusion: 0

Some meds contain caffeine (Excedrin), so keep this in mind. Although, again, a small amount of caffeine might help to alleviate the intensity of the headaches.

Also, assuming you remain one of those few people who do not care for chocolate, you needn’t worry about its caffeine content.

And drink more water.

Sending pain-free thoughts your way!

Posted by: regina at February 23, 2005 02:18 PM

Yay Fookie!

I can't help wondering if my inability to wake up the last time I came out to visit, which in turn led to the purchase of an emergency coffee maker for me, had anything to do with your decision here. :)

Also... have you ever noticed that Piglet from Winnie The Pooh sort of looks like a refugee from the Communards? Its that pink bodysuit thing he wears. Something to think about...

Posted by: Mr. Fookus at February 25, 2005 11:56 AM