February 24, 2005

The definition of dilemma...

Mood: Pretty good.
Music: Everything is Everything, Lauryn Hill
Game: World of Warcraft (60 Rogue...12 Priest?)
Book: The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco.
Muffin: Blackberry-Mango.
Punchline: "And no, you can't have your fucking convention in New York next time. Fuck off."

So my fookus got me a gift certificate for iTunes for Valentines Day.

I was pretty happy about it...and actually still am.

My problem? I'm vaguely afraid to spend it.

There's nothing I want to run right out and buy...but when I browse, I hear a song...and I'm all "Ooh...I like that..." But then I hear the clip, remember the song, and then I don't really want to buy it. Because then I'll have LESS money on account at iTunes! Not worth having!

It's weird. When I don't think about it, I could probably easily spend a bunch of money. But now that I have the money, I don't know what I want to buy.

So I'll leave it to you all. Each person here should leave a comment with ONE song I should buy on iTunes.

If I own the song already, I will mention it. I will not reject any suggestion...and let's be fair, folks. Please make it something you like...not just find bizarre ways to spend Glenn's gift certificate.

If you think I'll enjoy something that I don't usually listen to, or think there's a glaring hole in my collection, feel free to throw it up here!

In a few days, I'll buy the music, and listen away!

Get to it!

Posted by Glenn at February 24, 2005 12:14 PM

Bizarre!!! I kid you not--I was JUST looking at iTunes realizing I too had a gift certificate that was given to me for CHRISTMAS that I still have not been able to spend! Instead of figuring it out I decided to procrastinate...started to read your blog, and there it was right in my face again! Ha!

My suggestion: Buy something that reminds you of your fookus!

Posted by: maria at February 24, 2005 03:08 PM

Something different for you Glenn? I recommend Bomb the Bass, with a song called 5 ml barrel. It's a song purportedly about morphine addiction, but as I'm sure you'll quickly see it's actually a rant on England's most horrendous of roads around London. Enjoy!

Posted by: Catspit at February 25, 2005 08:34 AM

Her Space Holiday "Lydia"
i would suggest the whole CD but you only asked for one song

Posted by: landry at March 1, 2005 02:30 PM