May 17, 2005

Only Tuesday?

Mood: OK.
Music: Poison, Alice Cooper.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars.
Book: The Real War, Jonathan Schell.
Muffin: Was closed when I passed by at 7am.
Punchline: Not a whole lot funny lately, it's true.

I hope this week goes a bit faster. I suspect it will.

I've been getting to work before 8am. In an attempt to jumpstart my attitude, I'm trying to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. So far, I'm not leaving work any earlier...which is what I suspected. But I do feel a bit better waking up earlier, and going to bed earlier, getting more sleep overall. It's definitely putting a damper on my muffin intake, however.

I think mentally, I'm in a pretty good place. Getting more rest helps. Things aren't exploding at work on a regular basis any more...although I'm holding servers together with chewing gum and baling wire right now. I've been doing specific tasks at work, and accomplishing them.

And I've decided that I'm going to cut out of work early on Thursday and catch a matinee of Star Wars with my mom. I think that's pretty important. My mom's moving to Florida soon, and I'm not going to be able to do stuff like this much more often.

Months ago, 'Phyxie mentioned that I write much better when I'm pissed off at something...and I guess I see his point. I suppose I've moved from anger to general resignation on a lot of things, which is probably impacting my writing. I do enjoy writing...I should do more of it....

I meant to get a book started this year...and the year's almost half over. I suppose I should get started, then...shouldn't I?

Posted by Glenn at May 17, 2005 10:03 AM
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