May 16, 2005


Mood: A bit tired, but not bad.
Music: J-E-N-O-V-A, Black Mages.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars.
Book: The Real War, Jonathan Schell.
Muffin: Was closed when I passed by at 7am.
Punchline: "Early to bed and early to rise...makes people boring."

This weekend was supposed to be a polish my resume, clean my house kind of weekend.

Instead, it turned into a "think I'll just indulge my laziness and play games and cook" weekend. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Usually, when I play games all weekend, I get frustrated at some point, angry and people and what not. Didn't happen this weekend.

Saturday, I played World of Warcraft and ran BRD with Smitty, Thorn, Sloggie, and Abyss. (Ryan, Paul, Matt, and Drew...but the first set of names sounds more like a group of gaming geeks.) Seven and a half hours later, we actually ended up having completed the instance. First time for me...and in a five man, no less. We worked well together, and had fun. Not to say there wasn't plenty of death...but it just didn't matter. And that was great.

I should point out that during that run, I was supposed to have gone out to meet Adam, Colin, Mei, and some of her friends for some park action, then dinner at Two Boots, not that far from my house. Obviously, during each call, I was deep in the throes of trying to stay alive, and said "In the middle of something, go on without me and I'll try to catch up." By the time we finished, my friends were long gone. Oh well.

Which is probably a good thing, because immediately after that, I had a CoD TWL match. Which we won. But they gave us a far better fight than the previous two opponents. Was Chateau. I love that map...although the British weapons can be VERY tough to deal with. The first round, we took 'em by about 30 points, the second round, we took 'em by over a hundred. Wasn't the 900 point blowout we had last time. Played on their server, too. They all took off immediately after losing without even a "good game" afterwards. Must have been mighty pissed.

After that, watched some more Deadwood. I've been watching my way through the first season...and I have to say I like it a lot. I like a lot of the HBO series'. Funny, considering I don't watch TV...although I do seem to rent entire seasons of TV series and watch them in a row. Whatever. I'll watch the last episode of season one tonight. Go Go Netflix!

Sunday was a Deadwood and Guild Wars kinda day. Mainly Deadwood. Was a gorgeous day out...all my windows open and racked out on the couch. Made a yummy pork sammich for lunch, and between episodes of Deadwood ran inside and played some Guild Wars for a few hours. Did the dishes, did a general house clean up. Still need to vacuum. Probably do that when I get home tonight.

This week, the goal is to get the resume up to speed, and get it out to a few places in Seattle. I also need to get my Corporate Taxes done for Limewear, and close the business entity. Not going to pursue it here right now. I don't have the time or money with which to do it. I'll leave the site up, and sell through Cafe Press...but as far as bank accounts and taxes and such...just ain't worth it.

All in all, a pretty good mental health weekend.

I'm feeling a bit antsy about not having tickets to Star Wars on Weds night...but nothing I can do about it now. Guess I've moved down a notch in the geek scale this week. Not that I couldn't use a few points down after a weekend of gaming online.

Posted by Glenn at May 16, 2005 08:02 AM
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