June 17, 2005


Mood: Sick.
Music: Goodnight Moon, Shivaree.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars, Forza.
Book: The Lost Art of War, Sun Tzu II, Cleary Translation.
Muffin: Blueberry-Sweet Plum.
Punchline: None.

My face feels like it's filled with lead. There's actual pressure at my cheekbones, and my nose is clogged completely.

At work anyway. Can't miss much more...need to save the vacation days.

Migrating data to the new fileserver. The new fileserver kicks much ass. Dual processor, hot swappable SCSI drives in a RAID 5 array, dual redundant power supplies, redundant memory (!), and dual Gigabit ethernet ports. Rocks solid. Sounds like a Harrier taking off when it starts up.

Had to rebuild the security model, file structure, etc etc etc.

Boring, yet strangely satisfying to organize that much data...and secure it properly.

Supposed to be going to see Batman tonight...if my face doesn't explode before then....

Posted by Glenn at June 17, 2005 01:25 PM